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What is the GBP to USD exchange rate today?

The exchange rate of pound to US dollar can be influenced by many different factors. These are usually economic or political, with events as minor as a tweet from a political leader or influencer having a major effect.

That is why keeping track of the upturns and downturns in the GBP to USD exchange rate is integral to ensuring your money goes as far as it can when making an international payment to the USA.

GBP to USD Chart

Dollar currency facts

Name: Dollar
Symbol: $ cent: cent
Minor Unit: 1/100 = cent
Central Bank Rate: 0.00
Top USD Conversion: USD/EUR
Top USD Chart: USD/EUR Chart
Inflation: 2.87%
Nicknames: Bucks, Greenbacks, A Benjamin, A Rock


Coins: 1c, 5c,10c,25c,50c 1$
Freq Used: 25c
Rarely Used
Banknotes: 1$,5$,10$,20$,50$,100
Freq Used: 1$, $20, $100
Rarely Used
Central Bank: Federal Reserve System

What can affect the pound to US dollar rate?

Developments in the political relationship between the UK and the US, as well as each country’s individual economic performance both have their effect on the GBP to USD rate.

Economic data for both countries is released throughout each month and provides a clearer idea of the economic stability of the country. This can influence confidence in whether to convert GBP to dollar.

We convert pound to US dollar with competitive rates and low fees

With Moneycorp, you can rely on our foreign exchange expertise for managing your pound to dollar payments through such a volatile GBP to USD market.

If you’re looking to send regular payments or emigrate to the USA, we can help you make the most of each and every penny you send when you exchange the pound for US dollar.

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