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What is the USD to EUR exchange rate today?

The dollar to euro exchange rate can move up or down as a result of political and economic events, both in the US and in Europe.

With our USD to EUR currency chart below, you can monitor the exchange rate before making your exchange or international payment.

Euro currency facts

Name: Euro

Symbol: € cent: cent

Minor Unit: 1/100 = cent

Central Bank Rate: 0.00

Inflation: 0.10%

Nicknames: Ege (Finnish), Pavo (Spanish), Yoyo (Irish English), Teuro (German)



Freq Used: €1, €2, 5cent, 10cent, 20cent, 50cent

Rarely Used: 1cent, 2cent


Freq Used: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100

Rarely Used: €200, €500

Central Bank: European Central Bank 


What affects the USD to EUR exchange rate?

Economic developments and trade decisions from both Washington and the European Central Bank can have an effect on the USD to EUR rate.

In addition, the opinions and sentiments of political leaders and influencers can cause the dollar to euro rate to move. This can create an unpredictable market with opinions spread both through the media and on social media platforms. 


Convert USD to euro with competitive rates and low fees

If you want to make an international payment from the US to Europe, the USD to EUR exchange rate that you receive for your transaction can have a significant impact.

With Moneycorp, you can receive a competitive exchange rate and lower fees than the high street banks on your international payments. Our specialist guidance helps you get the most out of your money when you convert USD to euro.

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