Currencies where we trade
Currencies where we trade

moneycorp exchanges over 120 currencies worldwide. With your dedicated team we can help your business save money. Click here to find out more.

Create a Business account
Create a Business account

Sign up for a corporate international payments account today and discover how your business could reduce currency costs and risk in a global marketplace.


GBP to EUR exchange rate live currency chart. Convert pound to euro and enjoy competitive exchange rates and low transfer fees with moneycorp


EUR to GBP exchange rate live currency chart. Convert euro to pound and enjoy competitive exchange rates and low transfer fees with moneycorp

Popular Currencies
Popular Currencies

The major currency pairs are based on a list of the world’s most widely transferred currencies. Our comprehensive list of the most common currency pairs from across the globe provide live exchange rates and key information.

Our commitment to giving back
Our commitment to giving back

moneycorp is committed to support a charity that serves injured soldiers from the Parachute Regiment and their families. Read more here.

Send money online from your Moneycorp account
Send money online from your Moneycorp account

moneycorp Online gives you 24/7 access to our global payment capabilities & foreign currency exchange services. Sign up now, we're just one click away.

Target an Exchange Rate
Target an Exchange Rate

The foreign exchange market is unpredictable, learn how to take control by targeting an exchange rate to make the most out of your money and time.

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Cookie Policy

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