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Article fasfd 05 Jun 2024 4 minute read

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GBP/USD reached an impressive three-month high at over 1.2150 this week, which seems incredulous really given the persistent negativity that seems to surround all things to do with the UK economy... asfjasijfdlkaj

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Article fasfd

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Article fasfd 05 Jun 2024 4 minute read
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Blog 25 Aug 2021 5 minute read
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Our currency exchange forecast

Plan your international payments with our currency exchange forecasts for GBP to EUR and a range of other currencies. Read our insights today.

Blog 04 Aug 2021 6 minute read
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5 common mistakes businesses make when making international payments

Avoid making the five common costly mistakes that businesses make when transferring large sums of money internationally. Save time and money with moneycorp.

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The future of currencies across five key industry sectors

Currency fluctuations can have a profound impact on a country’s economic outlook, and they have far-reaching consequences for just about every sector of the economy.

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Minimising the risks of FX as a business

Find out how to measure foreign exchange risk and discover how your businesses can minimise the risks posed by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.

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Article fasfd 05 Jun 2024 4 minute read
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Blog 25 Aug 2021 5 minute read
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Our currency exchange forecast

Plan your international payments with our currency exchange forecasts for GBP to EUR and a range of other currencies. Read our insights today.

Blog 04 Aug 2021 6 minute read
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5 common mistakes businesses make when making international payments

Avoid making the five common costly mistakes that businesses make when transferring large sums of money internationally. Save time and money with moneycorp.

Blog 30 Jul 2021 5 minute read
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Minimising the risks of FX as a business

Find out how to measure foreign exchange risk and discover how your businesses can minimise the risks posed by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.

Article 28 Jul 2021 15 minute read
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Foreign exchange glossary of terms

Get to grips with the definitions of all of the most commonly used terms in the currency exchange markets with our comprehensive foreign exchange glossary.

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Article fasfd 05 Jun 2024 4 minute read
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Daily Brief 27 Apr 2022 4 minute read
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Paying back the overdraft

The UK government new borrowing requirements more than halved (during 2021-22) from the previous year...

Daily Brief 26 Apr 2022 4 minute read
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The Dollar marches on

This week has started off in much the same vein as we finished last, with the dollar marking notable gains across the board...

Daily Brief 25 Apr 2022 5 minute read
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Not such a sterling move

An assortment of factors combined to drive the pound lower at the tail-end of last week...

Blog 24 Apr 2022 12 minute read
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Secret Economist Q1 review – G(rate) expectations

Q1 began in more upbeat mood, with signs that the government’s gamble to not impose another lockdown had paid off.

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