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What is the USD to GBP exchange rate?

The dollar to pound rate is often influenced by economic and political factors on either side of the Atlantic.

That is why keeping an eye on the upturns and downturns that affect USD to GBP can be crucial to securing the best rate for your exchange.

USD to GBP Chart

Pound currency facts

Name: Pound Sterling
Symbol: £ Pence
Minor Unit: 1/100 = Pence
Central Bank Rate: 0.00
Inflation: 2.7%
Nicknames: Sterling  
Coins: 1p,2p,5p,20p, 50p, £1



Freq Used: 1p, £1
Rarely Used: 
Banknotes: £5,£10,£20,£50
Freq Used: £20
Rarely Used: £5
Central Bank: Bank of England

What affects the USD to GBP exchange rate?

The USD exchange rate often fluctuates after economic data is released throughout each month. Investors watch out for the economic data to decide whether to invest in the USD or to sell, while also listening intently to political leaders and influencers.

In more recent times, the US dollar to pound rate has been influenced by political leaders voicing their opinions via social media. This can make the foreign exchange market even more unpredictable.

Convert dollars to pounds with competitive rates and low fees

As foreign exchange specialists, we monitor the market and track USD to GBP for our customers, helping them to get the most out of their money. Whether it’s paying for property overseas, studying abroad or for those in the United States who want to return to the UK and repatriate money home, we can help.

If you’d like to make an international payment and convert dollars to pounds, you can do so with the help of Moneycorp by signing up for an account today.

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