What is the GBP to SEK exchange rate today?
Like all other exchange rates, the GBP to SEK rate can be influenced by a variety of factors and occurrences. Whether these are in the UK, Sweden or other EU countries, the rate you receive when you make a payment from pound to Swedish krona can differ greatly depending on the time and landscape.
With our currency chart below, you can monitor the GBP to SEK rate before you make your overseas payment.
GBP to SEK Chart
What can affect the pound to krona rate?
Events within UK Parliament, the EU Parliament and the Swedish Riksdag are all carefully monitored and weighted by investors. In addition, economic data is released each month by both Sweden and the UK. These occurrences are able to increase or decrease the investors’ faith in currencies and, as a result, affect the GBP to SEK rate.
Statements of political intent from key figures and politicians may also affect the pound to krona rate and lead to a jump or fall for either currency.
We exchange pound to Swedish krona with competitive rates and low fees
Monitoring the rate and knowing how and when make your international payment from pound to krona can be hugely significant in terms of value for your transaction.
That’s why we offer low transfer fees and competitive rates when you exchange GBP to SEK. Whether you’re emigrating for work, repatriating salary or sending money to family and friends, you can get more for your money when you convert pound to Swedish krona with an international payments account.