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What is the GBP to ILS exchange rate today?

The pound to shekel rate can fluctuate greatly over the course of a day, owing to political, economic and geopolitical developments. In turn, this affects the value you receive when you send money to Israel.

Keeping a watchful eye on the GBP to ILS rate ensures you remain aware of any volatility in the market and will know just how much your overseas payment will cost.

GBP to ILS Chart

What can affect the pound to shekel rate?

Political developments in the UK and Israel can work to encourage or discourage investor faith in either the pound or shekel, respectively. As a result, the GBP to ILS rate can shift and create a difference in value when you convert pound to shekel.

Economic release are also watched closely by investors, as are decisions by financial institutions such as the Bank of England and Bank of Israel.


Convert pounds to shekels with great rates and low fees

Target your preferred pound to shekel rate by setting an exchange rate alert from your moneycorp account. We’ll then notify you if your set rate is achieved, so you don’t miss out.

In addition, you can enjoy access to a wide range of FX tools that are designed to help you get the most out of your money when you convert pounds to shekels.

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