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What is the GBP to CAD exchange rate today?

The exchange rate for pound to Canadian dollar can be greatly affected by the political and economic developments between the UK and Canada, as well as their diplomacy with other countries.

In the volatile foreign exchange market, the GBP to CAD exchange rate is open to fluctuation and keeping track of the rate can mean a huge difference in value when sending money from the UK to Canada.

GBP to CAD Chart

Canadian Dollar facts

Name: Canadian Dollar
Symbol: $ cent: ¢
Minor Unit: 1/100 = cent
Central Bank Rate: 1.50
Inflation: 1.60%
Nicknames: Loonie, buck (English), Huard, piastre (French)
Freq Used: $1, $2, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢
Rarely Used: 1¢, 50¢

Freq Used: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
Rarely Used: $1, $2, $500, $1000
Central Bank: Bank of Canada 
Users: Canada

What can affect the GBP to CAD exchange rate?

The GBP to CAD exchange rate is not only open to influence from any developments between the UK and Canada, but also by relations with their North American partner. The US, Canada and the UK are inextricably linked, particularly when it comes to trade which is one of the factors that often affects currency rates. 

Both countries receive data relating to manufacturing, retail and inflation throughout the month that can affect the rate for pound to Canadian dollar. However, the rate is also affected by political conversation. Even a tweet from a political leader or influencer can cause and upturn or downturn for GBP to CAD, which proves the unpredictable nature of the foreign exchange market.

Convert pounds to Canadian dollars with competitive rates and low fees

It can be difficult to navigate the foreign exchange market when you have a large international payment to make, which is why we are here. We have helped our customers send savings and pensions abroad, buy property overseas and even repatriate money back to their home country since 1979.

If you sign up to an account with us today, you can utilise our expert guidance to ensure you make the most of every single penny when you convert GBP to CAD. 

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