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What is the GBP to AUD exchange rate today?

The exchange rate of pound to Australian dollar can be influenced by many factors, but mostly the fluctuating market is affected by events and shifts in politics and the economy on both sides of the world. 

By tracking the upturns and downturns for GBP to AUD, you can gain a much greater understanding of the foreign exchange market and save money when you make a payment from UK to Australia.  

GBP to AUD Chart

Australian dollar facts

Name: Australian Dollar
Symbol: $ Cent: c
Minor Unit: 1/100 = Cent
Central Bank Rate: 1.50
Inflation: 2.00%
Nicknames: Buck, Dough


Freq Used: $1, $2, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c
Freq Used: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
Central Bank: Reserve Bank of Australia 

What can affect the exchange rate of GBP to AUD?

Economic data is released throughout the month for both the UK and Australia, often affecting the strength of the two currencies.

The exchange rate of pound to Australian dollar is also guided by politicians voicing their opinions both within governmental discussions and beyond with the press. Whilst the economy of both the UK and Australia can mostly be anticipated, the voices of politicians and decisions by both countries’ central banks are a little less easy to predict.

For that reason, if you’re looking to make a large international payment and need to exchange pounds to AUD, you could save money by seeking the guidance of foreign exchange specialists.

Convert GBP to AUD with competitive rates and low fees

We have provided customers FX guidance for 40 years and monitor the GBP to AUD market to ensure our customers get the most from their money.

Whether you are hoping to spend your retirement or buy a house Down Under, or have family out there that you need to send money to, opening an account with us gives you access to that all important help on how to make the most of every penny. 

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