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What is the EUR to GBP exchange rate today?

The euro to pound exchange rate can be influenced by many different factors. Investors in each currency listen out for signs of economic strength and react accordingly, affecting the rate directly.

Keeping track of the euro to pound rate is an essential part of making sure your money goes as far as it can when sending money abroad.

EUR to GBP Chart

Pound currency facts

Name: Pound Sterling
Symbol: £ Pence
Minor Unit: 1/100 = Pence
Central Bank Rate: 0.00
Inflation: 2.7%
Nicknames: Sterling  
Coins: 1p,2p,5p,20p, 50p, £1



Freq Used: 1p, £1
Rarely Used: 
Banknotes: £5,£10,£20,£50
Freq Used: £20
Rarely Used: £5
Central Bank: Bank of England

What can affect the euro to pound rate?

Political developments and the economic movements of EU countries can have a large impact on the euro to GBP exchange rate. More recently, discussions regarding Brexit have played a huge role, creating much volatility for the market.

We convert euro to GBP with competitive rates and low fees

Managing large international payments through the changeable FX market is vital to ensure you make the most of your money. We offer our customers guidance when they convert euros to pounds, whether it is paying money abroad to buy a property overseas, when they want to send money to family or friends or even if they choose to repatriate money back to the UK.

If you would like help with a large international payment and keeping up to date with the euro to GBP rate, sign up to an account with us online today.

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