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Corporate foreign exchange

Currency transfer services for your business needs

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Corporate foreign exchange


Access to 18+ liquidity providers

Access to 18+ liquidity providers

Helping more than 21,000 businesses

Helping more than 21,000 businesses

Market updates to keep you informed of currency movements

Market updates to keep you informed of currency movements

Dedicated Relationship Manager

Dedicated Relationship Manager

Whether you’re a large organisation or an SME, we can cater for your international payment needs and help reduce your foreign currency risk

FX solutions

FX solutions

Our team will work with you to identify your individual requirements and be able to suggest products including spot contracts and an online multi currency account to meet your foreign exchange needs.

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Global payment solutions

Global payment solutions

We provide payment solutions for businesses with local or international requirements, who are looking to simplify the process and cut ongoing costs.

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Risk management

Risk management

Protect your business from foreign exchange market volatility, forecast cash flows and minimise risk with our range of hedging tools including forward contracts, FX orders and FX options.

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Where we make our payments

The currencies we work with

We exchange more than 120 currencies worldwide. See our full list.

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Business industries we work with

Business industries we work with

Discover the top sectors we assist on a daily basis

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Our foreign exchange solutions for your business

To find out more about our foreign exchange and global payment solutions for businesses, you can view our brochure.

Our foreign exchange solutions for your business

Refer a business, and get a £100 Gift Card each

* Read our refer a business terms and conditions here.